
Expectation feeds frustration. What screws us up the most in life is the preconceived picture in our head of how things are. We have to learn to drop the ambiguous ideas. As I get older, I find my understand deepens. I can integrate lessons, draw from my experiences, and make better connections.

Over the weekend I competed in an Olympic weightlifting competition. It has been almost a year since my last competition. Within the last month I had an epiphany. Basically, I cannot live without weightlifting. It builds my confidence and makes me feel strong. I have a sever passion for the sport. So, I signed up for a local competition and started training. At the beginning of the first 4 weeks I told myself this was just a competition to shake off the dust. Nothing to prove and no one to prove it to. As it came closer to competition day, I found myself nervous. I was already counting myself out. My shoulders felt heavy with pressure. Where was this pressure coming from? Expectations. These expectations came solely from myself. There was an expectation to hit my old numbers. To be stronger than I was before. Suddenly, I didn’t feel ready for the competition. I felt discouraged and upset. Luckily, I have a good support team of coaches who constantly reminded me there were no expectation for this competition. My only job was to do me and lift. I thought about why I was putting so much pressure on myself. I reminded myself of where I am at in my journey and that I just started lifting again. I went into the competition clear-headed.

At the competition I went 6/6. I made all of my lifts! I hit 59kg for snatch and 73kg for my clean and jerk. Once I dropped my expectations, I made an active decision to live in the moment. It was one of my best meets ever. My lifts were flawless and smooth. I was able to appreciate being surrounded by good friends and other good lifters. I challenge you: if you have felt the pressure lately, drop the expectations you have set for yourself. You will never feel freer.

Sending all my love, xo

 Here are my lifts, ENJOY!!!


What Does It Mean To Be “Healthy”?

What Does It Mean To Be “Healthy”?  What does being “healthy” mean to you?

How you answer the above questions depend on your definition of health. Being healthy can be a combination of eating right and physical activity. Being healthy is a combination of fitness and wellness. I believe both are big contributing factors that goes into living a healthy lifestyle. 

What is Wellness? 

Wellness is an active process of making mindful choices towards living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. It is an everlasting process of personal change and growth through self discovery. 

Why Does Wellness Matter?

It can affect your overall physical, mental, and social well-being. To live a higher quality of life, it is critical to maintain an optimal level of wellness. Wellness matters because everything we do relates back to our actions and emotions. This connects us to our state of well-being. In order to reduce stress, reduce the risk of illness, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and ensure positive interactions it is important for everyone to achieve an optimal level of wellness. 

What is Fitness?

Fitness is both mental and physical states working together efficiently to allow your body to function well in everyday life. There are five essential components to fitness. The components include cardio-respiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength, and body composition. It is important to have a fitness plan that incorporates all of these components to ensure optimal health. 

Why is Fitness Important? 

Physical activity can improve your overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It is beneficial to get into a routine of daily exercise. Regular physical activity along with healthy eating can help manage your weight, reduce your risk of a heart attack, help lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, reduce your risk of osteoporosis, help you sleep better, and increase your overall mood. Fitness has been found to help with symptoms of depression. Exercise may block negative thoughts and make you feel more accomplished. Exercise may also have a positive effect on the chemicals in your brain such as endorphins, serotonin, and stress hormones. 

💭If you have any questions or comments about this post, I’d love to hear them! Please put them in the comment section below! 


There is nothing to prove and no one to prove it to. Life is like the ocean, constantly flowing. Happiness comes in waves. Some days may have large swells and others are cool and calm. No matter what life goes on, the waves will keep crashing the shore. It is okay to feel negative emotion. It is okay to cry. That doesn’t make you weak – it makes you human. A bad day can be just that. One bad day, not a bad life. Tomorrow is a new day. A fresh start. Beautiful, don’t dwell on the past. Learn from your mistakes and continue to grow into your future. Nobody is perfect. Pick yourself. Go out and be great! Choose happiness. Choose love. You always have a choice. Make success happen today.

I am slowly learning that life is made up of good and bad. Life cannot exist without one or the other. There is a homeostatic balance to uphold. I am learning mistakes make us human. I am learning failures help us to grow. I am falling in love with the path of deep healing; taking care of myself. I am enough, I always have been enough, and I always will be enough.

Love you always,

