Stuffed Peppers

Are you looking to change up your dinner menu?? Lately, at my house we’ve been eating a lot of tomato based meals such as ground turkey with some type of veggies coated in a red sauce.

This style of cooking gets to be very old very fast. To be honest with you covering everything in a tomato sauce doesn’t make it taste better, doesn’t add extra flavor, and doesn’t keep things fresh or light.

In my family, we have some picky eaters. My dad always wants to “add flavor” which means putting dinner in a red sauce. I wanted to think of a meal that could please the masses. Something tasty and flavorful without the heaviness of a sauce.

I decided to put a spin on stuffed peppers! A lot of recipes called for a sauce or heavy on the cheese (to help bind everything together) which is exactly what I wanted to stay away from. Instead, I chopped up fresh veggies, ground turkey, black beans, spaghetti squash and combined them together. The spices put on the meat were to resemble tacos!

The stuffed peppers were a hit. We’re they a little messy to eat? Yes, but what good meal isn’t :) If you are looking to change up your weekly menu, I’ve included the recipe below!!


➢   2-3lbs ground turkey

➢   1 spaghetti squash

➢  10 colored peppers

➢   1 red onion

➢   6-8 green onions

➢   4-5 portabella mushrooms

➢   10 tomatoes

➢   1 can black beans

Spices: all spices add to taste

➢   Chili powder

➢   Cumin

➢   Basil

➢   Crushed red pepper

➢   Garlic salt

➢   Garlic

➢   Parsley

➢   Salt & Pepper


How to Make:

1.     Bake spaghetti squash. Pre-Heat oven to 425°F. Cook 25-30 minutes. Shred and toss with olive oil/desired spices.

2.     Cut the top off the color peppers and arrange in baking dish. Cut side up.

3.     Preheat oven to 350°F.

4.     Chop up veggies to desired size. Set off to the side.

5.     Add 1” of water to baking dish. Cover peppers and cook for 15-20 minutes. (softens the peppers up. Cook longer if you want peppers to be softer)

6.     Cook ground turkey in large pot. Add veggies and mix together. Once the meet is done, combine half and half – spaghetti squash and meat mixture. (this is the filling)

7.     Stuff peppers with meat mixture. If desired, add cheese on top. (I used vegan cheese) Cook peppers for 20 minutes or so.

8.     ENJOY!!!!


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Sweet Potato Wedges

This is a simple and yummy recipe that you can bring to your dinner table. 

Most weekend nights are filled with easy recipes that I can make using little energy after an exhausting day of work. I fight my cravings and urges to go for the quick things like fast food. Your health is no joke and learning how to properly care for your body is an important skill. 

How do I do it?

Simple & easy recipes like this one! I make the choice to be good to my body. Overtime the choices to fight our sugar craving isn’t as hard because healthy is a lifestyle. It’s a way of living. 

How are you choosing to live?



- 2 large sweet potatoes 

- 1/2 tsp black pepper

- 1 tbsp Italian seasoning 

- 1/2 tsp sea-salt

- 1 tsp sugar

- 2 tbsp Olive oil 


1. Slice 2 large sweet potatoes into wedges

2. Combine wedges into large mixing bowl. Add Italian seasoning, sea-salt, pepper, and a pinch of sugar. 

3. Arrange wedges on a large cooking sheet in a single layer. Use a cooking sheet. Make sure the wedges are not overlapping. 

4. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees (F). Bake for about 30 minutes.

5. Take the wedges out and let cool for 5 minutes, ENJOY!!!

💭If you have any questions or comments about this recipe, I’d love to hear them! Please put them in the comment section below!