Let Your Inner Lion Roar: The Path to Finding Your Strength

We all set out on this wild journey in hopes to make something of ourselves and figure out our shit along the way. Unfortunately, there is no handbook or guide to life, just a lot of trial and error. Strength grows in moments when we think we cannot go anything further and make a choice to do so anyways.

As young adults, the expectation is to overcome obstacles thrown in our direction. At twenty-two years old that is a lot of pressure weighing on one’s shoulders - (At any age for that matter). Finding your strength is not an easy task. You have to find it; learn to harness it. Being strong is a mental practice. It is making commitments; stop feeling sorry for yourself. Embrace change with open arms. Change is one of the scariest things of all, but forces us to grow. Strength is about learning, don’t waste energy on the things that cannot be controlled. There is only one thing on this earth that we can control – our own thoughts. Be willing to take control and allow yourself to feel everything. You are entitled to your emotions. Practice celebrating other people’s success rather than waste precious time on resentment.


I saw many dark days after I graduated college in December, 2017. I had a whirlwind of a time following. I lived in Missouri for a year and worked just to survive. I had no idea what I wanted out of life. I am writing this post from my bedroom in my parent’s home in Wisconsin. After I graduated college, I lost myself. My soul focus was on the next step and how to become successful; I drowned myself in work. Society helped me create a blueprint of what my life at twenty-two should look. I felt the pressures to lead a happy life and have my shit together, but in reality, I was spiraling out of control. What life has taught me thus far is there are no rules and there are no boundaries; except the ones we put on ourselves. We create our own blueprints for our own lives. It is okay to fail. Failure breeds success. If you are going to fail, fail forward. I had to overcome many obstacles to get to where I am today. Yes, I am presently living at my parent’s house; however, I am in the midst’s of launching my online business. Through the hard times, I had to dig deep within myself. I had to tell myself to keep going even when all I wanted to do was lay in bed. I found my strength and continue to practice it every day.


Strength comes to us in a single moment. When we decide to keep going. I found my strength and I hope you find yours too. XO