We are all offered different opportunities in life. We have a choice. We have a choice to work hard and chase after our dream or to not.
The thing is you have to believe in yourself. You have to believe so deeply that you never settle until you reach your dream. The minute self-doubt starts to creep into your mental. STOP, redirect those negative thoughts. You have to keep moving forward because you know that you deserve everything and anything that you want. You must stand your ground and keep grinding.
There are no limits in life. The only limit is your mind. The key to success is simple. If you want it, work for it. Remember that the road is long and it’s about the journey. It’s about pushing yourself to grow even when you don’t feel ready. It’s about learning from the mistakes you make and adjusting course, but never giving up.
My big brother is officially a pro hockey player. That has been his dream since day one. He has always been my inspiration. His hard work is incredible. I’ve seen him go through struggle and strife in his life, but never letting his dream die. For 23 years I’ve watched him fine tune and adjust his life course. From workouts to proper nutrition and passing his love and knowledge on to others. Its humbling. He will never say it out loud, but he’s talented. He has worked his ass off for that talent. He never boasts or brags. He only wants to better himself and build up the people who surround him. He continues to inspire me.
Yesterday, I made the trek down to Evansville, IN. It was about a 6-hour drive; however, I would have driven across the country to see him play. The stadium he was playing in was massive. Nothing like the dinky rinks I’m used to going to. My ticket was behind the net, right up against the glass. As I got to my seat the first line was being announced. I was almost in tears when I heard his name boom throughout the arena: “FIRST LINE – CENTER - #24 EDDIE MATSUSHIMA”
Every day we are face with a choice: wake up and chase after our dreams or to continue to sleep. Hard work is a choice. Success is no accident. It is a work ethic consisting of hard work, perseverance, learning, and sacrifice, and most of all love of what you are doing. Working hard becomes a habit. You get self-satisfaction from pushing yourself to the limit.
What are you going to choose today?
Sending all my love,