A Leap of Faith

Cheers to new beginnings. Sometimes we may like the sound of that phrase; however, our body gives us a fight or flight response. Change is scary. As human beings, we are creatures of habit. We enjoy the comfort of a routine. 

Heritage Rose Garden, San Jose CA

Change is inevitable. Without change there would be no growth. Think about it scientifically for a second. We all love sunny days (who doesn’t), But if it never rained the grass would never grow, flowers would never bloom, and we’d never see the leaves change colors. Does that analogy make sense? Think about your life for a second. If you’re my age, you’ve probably already experienced the joys of puberty LOL. If you didn’t go through that change you would’ve never gotten taller, you would’ve never gotten boobs, and you would’ve never gotten your period; hence you would’ve never crossed the threshold into womanhood. Without change in our life we can’t grow. As scary as it is to think about if we never move out of our parents’ house, we don’t know what will become of us. One of the scariest times in life for me was graduating college. After four years of pure certainty or what felt like certainty it’s over in the blink of an eye. After graduation your set free to “start your life”. What does that statement even actually mean? After I graduated college in 2017, I landed on my face. I hit the ground hard. I thought I had everything planned out and all my affairs in order. Just to realize that I didn’t have anything controlled. The biggest thing that was out-of-control was my mindset and my emotions. I work so hard, trying to control the uncontrollable. I was so scared. Honestly, I am still scared. What I’ve come to realize is we cannot control everything that happens to us. I’ve learned to become aware of and be conscious of my state of mind or my state of being. How do I feel in this moment? How do I feel today? Do I have good thoughts flowing in my head? Am I feeding myself with positive vibes? 

Heritage Rose Garden, San Jose CA

There is no manual for life. There is no “do this and you’ll be great”. My advice to you is trust your gut. Make choices that make you happy. You are the one that has to live with those choices. Live your life for you. As you move forward, know that there will be uncertainty and that’s OK. Sometimes it’s OK to not know what the future looks like. Just have faith and trust that you are moving in the right direction.  Believe fully in yourself and you will succeed. That is what goes into taking a leap of faith. Don’t just close your eyes and cross your fingers because that’s when shit hits the fan. Believe in yourself, I believe in you. 

Sending all my love, 


p.s. Here’s a link to my YouTube video with more pictures from this photo shoot!